POS Lookup

This overview of the POS Lookup function is intended for technical users to set up and configure the Lookup, and learn how to use it.

  • POS Lookup runs in its own Panel.
  • The Panel is assigned on the POS Lookup Card
  • The Lookup is assigned to a button on the POS.

The picture below shows the user interface of the POS Lookup.

The setup for the POS Lookup is done from the Lookup List. It is easy to modify the layout and functionality of the POS Lookup from the setup and change a field/column, remove or add a column to a table and so on. This can be done from the Lookup List.

It is also easy to create a new POS Lookup based on a table that is not in the standard POS Lookup List. This feature can be valuable to developers that want to extend the functionality of LS Nav.


Lookup List Examples:


POS Lookup Functional Overview

The setup for the POS Lookup can be configured from the Lookup List. The Demo Company released with LS Nav contains the setup for the POS Lookup.

Go to the Lookup List and open a POS Lookup Card to edit, or create a new one.

In the General FastTab, all design settings for the Lookup can be accessed. Rows and columns are edited in the Data Table. Press the assist button by the Data Table ID field to access the POS Data Table Card.

The Table Columns field in the General FastTab indicates how many columns the Lookup table should have.

To configure which columns to show and in what order, edit the fields in the POS Data Table Columns FastTab. In this list, the user connects fields from a table to columns in the grid. Settings such as caption alignment, formatting, filtering, sorting and so on are configured for each column. If a key is selected for the column it will become sortable and searchable in the Lookup.


The Lookup on POS

  • The Input label shows the field/column name you are working with.
  • The columns can be selected and sorted by pressing the column headers.
  • The selected column header becomes highlighted and a little arrow glyph shows the sorting order.

Default Search Type can be configured in the POS Data Table Card, the options are: Beginning of field, Any Part of field or Whole field.


Lookup Use Cases and Business Processes

Using the POS Lookup

In this use case we will go through selecting items and a customer on a sale.

We will be using Store No. S0001 and POS Terminal P0001 from the Demo Company.

Log on to the POS with Staff ID 101 (no password) and press the Lookup button from the Start menu to open the Lookup.

Press the Search Description column header to select that column for searching and filtering.

Type chardonnay in the input box and press the Find button.

Press OK to select the white wine.


Filtering in POS Lookup

Now we want to use the FILTER command to filter all items from vendor 44030. Press the Lookup button on the POS. Press the Vendor No. column header. Enter 44030 in the input box and press the Filter button.


Creating a New Lookup

In this use case we will be creating a new Informational POS Lookup. This Lookup should show quantity sold per Item Category in the current Store for the current day.

Open the Lookup List and add a new Lookup. Give it the Lookup ID: QTYSOLD_IC.

Since this is only an informational lookup we place a check mark in the Hide Input Area field to make more area available for the information. If it were left visible, the user could search/filter the Item Category Codes but that will not be in this case.

Add a Start Message that will show up at the top of the Lookup when it opens, in this case it will be “Today’s Quantity Sold per Category”.

Create a new Data Table ID by clicking the drill-down arrow in the field and selecting New.

Write QTYSOLD_IC in the Data Table ID field and select table 5722 (Item Category) in the Table No. field.

Leave the Selection Mode as NoSelect. Set Table Columns to 3, Table Rows to 16 and select Field 1 as the Key Value Field.

Go to the POS Data Table Columns FastTab and add lines.

  • Set Column No. 1 to show Field No. 1 (Code). Set the Caption Alignment to Left and link to Key No. 1 in the table. Set the Preferred Width % to 40.
  • Set Column No. 2 to show Field No. 2 (Description). Set the Caption Alignment to Left and the Preferred Width % to 40.
  • Set Column No. 3 to show Field No. 10000727 (Qty. Sold Retail). Set the Caption Alignment to Right, Formatting to Quantity and the Preferred Width % to 20.
  • Use Column No. 4 to apply the Fixed Filter [STORE] to field 10000726 (Store Filter).
  • Use Column No. 5 to apply the Fixed Filter [TODAY] to field 10000700 (Date Filter).

Note: Since only 3 columns are shown in the table, columns 4 and 5 will be hidden from the user and are only used for filtering purposes.

To add the Lookup on POS, run POS and add a button called Sales per Category. Edit the button properties and select the LOOKUP command for the button with the Parameter set to QTYSOLD_IC.

Pressing the button will now give the information requested:


Using a Different Lookup With Another Datatable

It is possible to create more Lookups by copying an existing lookup to a new one for another interface Profile.

Example for this in the demo data it the lookup ITEM that has a different data table for lookups for some other interface profiles.

By doing this it is possible to for example to view data with different number or lines (records) or different columns, fewer columns or in another sequence.